Learn how to use the tools the experts are using!
This webinar teaches how to utilize several of Drupal's most powerful site-building modules to build out Drupal websites.
In this webinar, Jay goes through each of these modules in-depth, using real-world project walk-throughs. This is not just a how-to on the mechanics of installing and using module 'X'. Instead we will be to answering the question "'Why should I use this module?".
We will cover the following topics:
- The benefits of using Context over of the Drupal Admin Block UI
- The Pro's and Con's of Panels
- Using Display Suite to theme Content Types
- Using Panels to theme Content Types
- Panels v. Context v. Display Suite
- The strategy of building Views in the most reusable way
- Looking at real world-mockups and showing how I would build these features
- Exporting to the Features module
This webinar is intended for intermediate to advanced level of developers that want to learn more about using Drupal's most-powerful site building tools. By the end of this session we hope to give you a better game-plan on how to build out their next site than they had before.
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Display Suite for Drupal 7 Videos - I found these video tutorials from the maintainer of DS very helpful!